Posts in Middle School

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Eastern Christian School hosts two-day security exercise

Eastern Christian School hosted a two-day reunification exercise training sponsored by the "I Love U Guys" Foundation. The foundation provides 350-400 security trainings a year and serves more than 50,000 schools, districts, agencies, departments and organizations internationally. Administrators, law enforcement and security personnel from more than a dozen schools and police districts across the state,…

Spiritual theme 2024-2025

The spiritual theme for 2024-2025 is “Grow, Gather, Go” with Hebrews 10:23-25 as our key verses: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are…

EC ranked as a #1 Top Workplace by

Not only has named Eastern Christian School a Top Workplaces 2024 award winner, but we ranked number 1 among medium sized companies (150-499 employees in the region). This is the sixth time EC has received a Top Workplaces award!  "We are honored to be recognized once more," shares Dr. Ruth Kuder, head of school.…

Congratulations, EC class of 2024!

Congratulations to the EC class of 2024! Click on the links below for access to the photo galleries from each graduation and promotion ceremony plus videos of the eighth grade promotion and high school commencement.  Photos available online here.    Would you like to watch the full ceremony? Watch High School Commencement Watch Middle School…

Eastern Christian School receives commendations in latest accreditation cycle

In a meeting this spring, a group of educators and administrators from throughout the nation visited our campuses to review and recommend Eastern Christian School for re-accreditation to Middle States Accreditation and first-time accreditation to the Christian Schools International Accreditation Commission. The visiting team unanimously recommended the school for accreditation, as well as recommended the…

Ten changes to expect from your pre-teen

It feels a bit cliche to speak about the horrible, negative years of middle school. Every adult can likely draw up memories that bring a shudder, a groan, or a quick change of subject. Of course there are the others that also bring a chuckle, but those are often at someone else’s expense. As parents,…

Winter season sports highlights are here

Winter Track With a healthy balance of seasoned athletes and newcomers to the sport, both the boys' and girls' winter track teams enjoyed successful seasons that included a number of strong individual performances. Valerie Portuphy won the triple jump in the conference championships and also won the long jump in the Passaic County championships. Sharyn…

Last year’s program inspires this year’s projects

Nehemiah 3 details the biblical story of how individuals split the workload, and together built a wall. In this vein of thinking, Eastern Christian School administrators unveiled a Nehemiah “mini-grant” program last spring, which invited staff members to pitch their ideas. The desire was that through this initiative, school administrators could better equip our staff…

Announcing details of the 2024 EC Strategic Plan

Utilizing our core documents, including our mission, core values and graduate profile, and informed by community feedback, the strategic plan outlined below was approved by the EC Board of Directors at its January 2024 meeting and represents the school’s priorities for the next five years.  Eastern Christian School is dedicated to providing a distinctive Christian…

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