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Posts by David Intlekofer

New Grading Scale at Eastern Christian School

Hello EC Students and Families,  I know that the whole world seems in flux these days, but I want to tell you about a non-Covid-related change that will be taking effect this year at EC. Hopefully this will be some welcome news in these turbulent times.  Starting in the 2020-2021 school year, EC will have…

Important Message Regarding Seussical the Musical

3.12.2020 3:15 PM EDT   We regret to inform you that we will be postponing the Friday and Saturday performances of Seussical the Musical.   As you are aware, the situation with the coronavirus pandemic has been evolving daily. According to CDC and WHO recommendations, we are limiting large group events as much as possible.…

Prayer Summit at EC

Partnership between the church, home, and school is what drives EC in its mission. In December, EC held its first prayer summit to bring together members from each of these groups and discuss how we can best promote spiritual growth in our students. More than 65 participants--made up of roughly equal numbers of pastors, parents,…

A Day in the Life of a 38 Year Old High Schooler

“Why would you want to shadow a high schooler all day? You went to high school--you know what it’s like.” That was one of the responses I got when I told adults about my plan to participate in the "Shadow a Student Challenge." Many adults thought the idea was great; some thought it was ridiculous;…

Walk Out and Open Up

Last week I felt—not for the first time—an overwhelming sense of how honored I am to work at Eastern Christian. Our high school students and teachers used our chapel time to engage in a dialogue about school safety that was framed around our student-created Open Up Project. Thank you to Mrs. Aceino, Mr. Wright, Clara,…

School Safety–What can WE do? Open up!

In September, our high schoolers initiated a project to address the topic of school safety. They talked about ways to allow students a safe place to open up and share their feelings, frustrations, and anxieties before things get to a boiling point and possibly turn violent. Instead of locking down their feelings, they wanted to…

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