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EC’s Toughman: Why I Compete

A few weeks ago I completed the Toughman Half Triathlon in Harriman State Park (NY). The race consisted of a 1.2 mile swim, a 56 mile bike ride and a 13.1 mile run. Needless to say, the training for this event is intense. A lot of hard work goes into an accomplishment like this. While reflecting…

Welcome, Amy Shepley!

Amy Shepley, College & Career Office Administrator Tell us about yourself. God brought my little family to New Jersey almost 6 years ago from a tiny little town in southern Ontario, Canada. I am a mom to Laine, a sweet 16 year old, and am lucky enough to be married to Gord, who loves me…

Gingerbread People, Trust, and the Image of God

What could be so important that all teachers and students at Eastern Christian High School suspend their plans for an hour to learn about it? If it involved gingerbread people, trust and the image of God, would you be curious? The teachers at Eastern Christian High School believe that there is a lesson that is…

Welcome, Elizabeth Mulcock!

Elizabeth Mulcock, High School Resource Room Aide and After School Program Assistant Tell us about yourself. I grew up here in northern New Jersey where my family and I all attended Eastern Christian. I graduated from EC just a few years ago and then went to Calvin College in Michigan. While growing up, I enjoyed drawing…

Let’s Go Rachel!

Our tennis team had an amazing showing yesterday at the Passaic County Tournament as our 1st doubles team (Rachel Liu and Brianne Veenstra) won their first round match and all three singles players (Rachel Schultz, Kristen Casey and Cara Shotmeyer) advanced to the semifinals!! To top it off, Rachel Schultz won and becomes our first ever…

College Planning & Financial Workshop

The Eastern Christian College and Career Office puts on this workshop, which is designed to help EC parents and their students avoid costly mistakes that can arise throughout the college admission and selection process. It also covers basic facts about financial aid; steps that parents and students can take to help save money by using…

EC Accreditation Team Blog Series: Post 7

Eastern Christian School is Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. What is Accreditation? Accreditation is the act of granting credit or recognition that maintains suitable standards. Why do we pursue Accreditation? Accreditation is necessary to any person or institution in education that needs to prove that they meet a general standard of quality.…

Teen Driver Safety Program

What is it? The Teen Driver Safety Program is a presentation given by safety officers from NJM Insurance Group sharing their wealth of safe-driving knowledge with young drivers in local schools. The presentation will cover topics like lack of focus while driving, phone use, driving distractions, NJ driving laws, and much more! Who is it for? Teen…

Welcome, Lauren Merkley!

Lauren Merkley, Educational Support Personnel Tell us about yourself.  I was born and raised in New Jersey. I have always loved playing sports. I played softball for over 10 years and then went and played in College. I became a Christian my sophomore year of high school at a winter retreat. I currently attend Emergence in…

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