One of the best parts of my job is that I get to meet new families as they visit one of our three beautiful campuses for the first time. I think that those of us who are familiar with Eastern Christian School can sometimes take for granted just how great this school is. Walking through a building along side an EC “first-timer” is a great way to combat this familiarity.
Since most of us won’t have the opportunity to join new families on a first time campus visit, I thought I’d share a list of common reactions from new families as they encounter our school for the first time. For prospective EC parents, perhaps this blog post will encourage you to come and check out our amazing school for yourself. For current EC parents, perhaps, borrowing from an old Corn Flakes ad campaign, this post will help you, “See our school again, for the first time.”
Here, in no particular order, is my list of the Top 12 Things I Hear on Campus Tours:
- “Wow- this campus is impressive!” When you encounter one of our 3 beautiful campuses for the first time, you can’t help but be impressed. Our well cared-for and modern facilities, professional faculty, academic offerings, test scores, technology integration, college placement, and alumni testimonials all point to Eastern Christian’s quality. We place a lot of emphasis on a Quality Christian Education. We are called to excellence and that’s what we try to do every day. Any success that we see (like a Top 50 Christian High School in America or a National School of Character recognition) we give God the glory!
- “The students seem so comfortable.” It really is unfortunate what is happening socially at many schools in America today: stress, bullying, peer pressure, high stakes testing, and the list goes on. The Eastern Christian School culture is just different. You immediately feel the difference when you’re on campus. I love to see visiting students come a little nervous at the beginning of their Shadow Day. Within minutes, they have a huge smile on their face.
- “What sports do you offer?” I usually have to refer to my website “cheat sheet” (link here) to answer this one. We have more than TWENTY different offerings in the High School and many Middle School teams as well. #SoarEC!
- “What if my child needs extra support (or extra challenge)?” EC partners with Christian families. And we try to make this partnership as broad as possible. This means that we offer a wide range of curriculum for students from a wide range of academic abilities and interests. The “Educational Jargon” term for this is “Differentiated Curriculum.” I just like to say that we meet your child where he/she is at and tailor our education to meet those needs. I know that sounds overly simple, but that really is what we do- and it is very effective! If your child is accepted into Eastern Christian School, you can be confident that he/she will receive the appropriate level of challenge and support in order to maximize his/her academic potential.
- “What will EC do to prepare my child for college?” Since 95% of our graduates go to the “next level,” our Academic & College Counseling department has a very intentional 4-year plan that guides students as they discover God’s plan for them in their next chapter of life.
- “How does EC use technology?” Smart boards, Screens linked to AppleTV, classroom iPad sets in younger grades, and 1:1 Chromebooks for most grades. You can’t help but see a major investment in technology. More importantly, we’ve invested in the things you can’t see. Our secure network and our trained, professional faculty help students safely and meaningfully integrate technology across the curriculum. Like everything else, we try to teach students how to use technology as a tool for success and to redeem Creation. This is a much-needed push in our tech-crazy world!
- “Everyone here is so friendly.” Yep!
- “How do you teach Bible/Religion?” Every EC student from age 3 to 18 has a mandatory Bible class as a regular part of their education. We open every day with prayer and devotions. We worship each week in chapel. Most importantly, we integrate our Christian faith into everything that we do. You might think of every class as a “Bible class,” as students learn about Christian worldview across the curriculum.
- “What about extended offerings, after school care, or child care?” We have loads of convenient options. Here’s a helpful link to address all of your family’s unique scheduling needs.
- What about bus or transportation options? We offer families a shuttle service with EC buses that run between all three of our campuses. The buses are ours, the drivers are EC employees, and the students on the buses are only EC students. For many EC families (depending on your town), the cost of the shuttle service is offset by “aid-in-lieu,” a confusing quasi-french term that basically means that most of you qualify for $1,000 from the government if you don’t use a public school bus. Check out our transportation map– it’s amazing how many EC families come from such a wide range of towns!
- I’m sold. But my family might not be able to swing tuition. Do you have any options in financial aid or scholarship? We have a program just for you! Variable Tuition adjusts your family’s tuition to your family’s unique financial position. We don’t want finances to get in the way of your family’s access to an excellent Christian Education at EC.
- I wish I went to school here!
I hope that gives you a little taste about what a campus tour is like. But really, the best way to experience the campus for the first time is on a personal campus tour. Prospective families, please take me up on this offer – our admissions team would love to personally meet with you as you prayerfully consider the best school option for your family.
Contact me anytime to schedule your campus visit!
Suzanne Kraai
Director of Enrollment
973.427.4013 |
Suzanne Kraai