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Four years ago, Eastern Christian High School held the first Thanksgiving Alumni Chapel. Knowing that many recent graduates were home for the holiday and often stopped in at the high school to visit old friends and teachers, it was suggested that a formal alumni event be held. That year a small group of alumni came to chapel and gathered in a classroom for Taylor’s Ham, egg and cheese bagels. Each year since, attendance has grown.

Last week, on Wednesday morning more than 60 young alumni returned to EC for chapel and a special dedication service and to enjoy time together with friends and faculty.

The Bible and Worship class, who is responsible for planning and managing chapel each week, worked hard to make this a special event for current students and alumni alike. The worship team and the speakers were all alumni. It was great to see those familiar faces back in front of chapel. The speakers shared from their time at EC and their experiences since graduation. One of the alumni speakers didn’t qualify as a “recent” alum, but was warmly welcomed and appreciated by all. Mr. Phil Verrengia, Class of 1973, talked about his first days at EC and his return to EC as teacher and dean.

Chapel concluded with faculty and alumni sharing memories of Mr. Paul Beverly. Mr. Bev’s legacy will live on at Eastern Christian High School. His leadership on the EC faculty is evident in The Micah Challenge, The Christmas Festival, The 9/11 SOAR and so much more. In the more than 30 years that Paul taught at EC he influenced thousands of students in significant ways and he will not be forgotten. Following chapel, students, alumni, faculty and administrators gathered in the high school courtyard to dedicate a Cherry tree in Paul’s memory.  

To end the morning, alumni and friends gathered in the cafeteria for hot coffee and bagels.  It was great to see friends and faculty embracing and reconnecting thankful for their EC connection.

David Visbeen

By: David Visbeen

David is the Executive Director of the Foundation for EC

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