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As EC Team Guatemala finished up our week in Chiquimula Guatemala, we were invited to sit in student desks that we had scrubbed and placed in a freshly painted, renovated classroom.  We imagined learning in a 15 x 25 foot room that had 25 students facing one way while another grade of 17 students focused in the other direction. The community leader Josue, wanted to inspire us as we were exhausted from making concrete all morning, still needing lunch and a shower before boarding a bus.

Josue told us that we had been engaging the minds of the children through play and Vacation Bible School.  He also noted that our actions were nurturing the community by valuing the children and praying with families on home visits.  AND you may have guessed… we were transforming the world by reconstructing this one classroom and laying concrete for another.  Many of us smiled as we recognized three elements from our Eastern Christian motto.  It was uncanny or, more accurately, Providential.

We spent Good Friday evening in Guatemala City in the simplest, and yet sacred worship.  Singing, scripture, and concluding by sharing prayer partners and prayer requests for the weeks ahead.

Thanks to all involved with this trip for making it happen. The Lord provided an amazing experience for all!