Much is made in education about student/teacher ratio. And rightly so! Parents want to know how many students will be competing for the attention of their child’s teacher. It stands to reason that, the more attention students get and the more of a relationship that they build with their teacher, the better their school experience will be.
At Eastern Christian School, we are proud of our 11/1 student/teacher ratio school-wide. However, I would also encourage prospective families considering among many school options to ask a second question beyond “What’s your school’s student/teacher ratio?” That question is the title of this post: “Who’s on the right side of the slash?”
Here’s why I think this is significant: as families compare school options, you’re trying to find objective metrics that compare apples to apples. This can be difficult when it comes to stats like Student/Teacher Ratio. Specifically, don’t assume that all teachers are created equally!
Let’s talk about Eastern Christian School’s amazing teachers. What makes them special or unique? I believe 3 things: EC teachers are professional, Christian leaders who are loving, nurturing mentors to EC students.
- Professional. As we’ve discussed in our recent blog post, “Have it all at Eastern Christian School,” one of the tremendous blessings of being a part of New Jersey’s largest and oldest Christian Day School is that we are a community blessed with tremendous resources. Among schools in the private school sector, we are able to hire the best Christian School teachers. We have an innovative professional development model that mandates that our teachers undergo regular and intentional professional development. Each year, we proudly announce our Master Teachers– teachers who have reached the pinnacle of their profession. Every Eastern Christian School teacher is state certified (except for Bible Teachers because the state thankfully doesn’t try to certify Bible teachers!) in their content area.
- Christian Leaders. Every teacher subscribes to our statement of faith. Our faculty prays for our students daily. Teachers models their faith for students on a daily basis. Who do you trust to partner with you in the education of your children? As parents, we have less time each day with our children than our teachers do- who do you trust to have in this important role? One of my favorite things to observe in my children is when they pray out loud with our family. I can hear the “prayer tone” of their EC teachers being expressed in the way my children pray!
Loving/Nurturing Mentors. EC teachers love their students! Our students recognize this. In a recent survey of our students, 98% of our students supported the statement, “I am treated with respect by teachers,” and 96% believe that “My teachers care about me.” Our 94% retention rate also speaks to families “voting with their feet,” as being very satisfied with the overall experience at EC and specifically our teachers.
Who’s on the right side of the slash at Eastern Christian? Amazing, Professional, Christian Leaders who love their students. Who’s on the right side of your child’s slash?
Would you like to partner with teachers like this for your child’s education? Schedule your personal tour or shadow day today. You’ve got to see it for yourself!

Rudi Gesch