As I reflect on my life here at EC, I am so thankful for an environment in which I could grow. Being in a place where I am cared for and appreciated helped me to take a chance and step out of my shell.

  • Jenna
  • Class of 2020


Class of 2020

My journey here at Eastern Christian began about 13 years ago. It was the first day of kindergarten. With my only friend being a teddy bear in my hand, I took a deep breath and began the journey of a lifetime. The first day jitters came and went, and I made some pretty great friends. We laughed our way throughout Mrs. James’ Kindergarten class. We were inseparable, I mean literally one day Mrs. Turner had to pry our hands apart for book buddies. The rest of elementary school came and went with some unforgettable times like our first “big kid” field trip to the zoo in first grade, the musical performance of Daniel in the Lion’s Den, and our fourth grade day spent at Spring Lake. The next thing up for our grade was pretty new; middle school.

Middle school was a time where we were given the opportunity to expand our horizons. We made some new friends in our class and more memories that provided us with a laugh. Our class also managed to have a record number of principals during our time in middle school, 3 to be exact. Somehow in 5th grade, Mr. Kuiken’s room became home to Heinz and Guppy, the class fish. I think it’s safe to say we may be the reason for no more class pets. 6th grade was a year full of laughs and games like Squish the Lemon. If you don’t know what that is, our playground had a tube slide. Every recess we would fit as many of us as possible in that slide.

Our transition to 7th grade finally made us feel like we were one step closer to being the big kids on campus again as we got to move hallways to the other side of the school, and we also had planned an overnight trip to Spruce lake in the fall, that is, until a murderer was loose in the woods in Pennsylvania and we had to postpone. Finally, our time to shine as 8th graders had arrived. We finally got to live out our “8th grade privileges” such as being able to stay in the nice heated school doing winter recess and also getting two lockers. We had our big 8th grade trip to Philly and Gettysburg which, like many class trips, was quite unforgettable. We all made some memories before we went our separate paths for high school.

I think that the first day of high school may have been a bit bittersweet for some of us. Some friends had gone to different schools, while others had joined our class at EC. Here we were, a group of teenagers not really knowing who we are. The next 4 years provided us all with the growth we needed to find ourselves. High school was a time like no other. I still remember my first day of high school, like most people I was terrified to speak up. But as time went on, I found my place in the classroom and I made some great friends, and we were once again, inseparable. Things like a student skateboarding through CTE class, a very false bomb drill, and a global pandemic have made our high school time a time to remember.

As I reflect on my life here at EC, I am so thankful for an environment in which I could grow. Being in a place where I am cared for and appreciated helped me to take a chance and step out of my shell. If I failed, I was encouraged to try again and again. EC also provided me a place to try new things. Never once did I think I would manage to take Chemistry Honors my junior year, or voluntarily sign up for Advanced Composition Senior year. Along with growing socially and academically, I have grown tremendously in my faith. At EC, there are people on the same faith journey as you. I am thankful for the teachers and staff who openly shared about their faith journeys and helped me grow in my faith. In the end, I wouldn’t have my education any other way.


My journey here at Eastern Christian began about 13 years ago. It was the first day of kindergarten. With my only friend being a teddy bear in my hand, I took a deep breath and began the journey of a lifetime. The first day jitters came and went, and I made some pretty great friends. We laughed our way throughout Mrs. James’ Kindergarten class. We were inseparable, I mean literally one day Mrs. Turner had to pry our hands apart for book buddies. The rest of elementary school came and went with some unforgettable times like our first “big kid” field trip to the zoo in first grade, the musical performance of Daniel in the Lion’s Den, and our fourth grade day spent at Spring Lake. The next thing up for our grade was pretty new; middle school.

Middle school was a time where we were given the opportunity to expand our horizons. We made some new friends in our class and more memories that provided us with a laugh. Our class also managed to have a record number of principals during our time in middle school, 3 to be exact. Somehow in 5th grade, Mr. Kuiken’s room became home to Heinz and Guppy, the class fish. I think it’s safe to say we may be the reason for no more class pets. 6th grade was a year full of laughs and games like Squish the Lemon. If you don’t know what that is, our playground had a tube slide. Every recess we would fit as many of us as possible in that slide.

Our transition to 7th grade finally made us feel like we were one step closer to being the big kids on campus again as we got to move hallways to the other side of the school, and we also had planned an overnight trip to Spruce lake in the fall, that is, until a murderer was loose in the woods in Pennsylvania and we had to postpone. Finally, our time to shine as 8th graders had arrived. We finally got to live out our “8th grade privileges” such as being able to stay in the nice heated school doing winter recess and also getting two lockers. We had our big 8th grade trip to Philly and Gettysburg which, like many class trips, was quite unforgettable. We all made some memories before we went our separate paths for high school.

I think that the first day of high school may have been a bit bittersweet for some of us. Some friends had gone to different schools, while others had joined our class at EC. Here we were, a group of teenagers not really knowing who we are. The next 4 years provided us all with the growth we needed to find ourselves. High school was a time like no other. I still remember my first day of high school, like most people I was terrified to speak up. But as time went on, I found my place in the classroom and I made some great friends, and we were once again, inseparable. Things like a student skateboarding through CTE class, a very false bomb drill, and a global pandemic have made our high school time a time to remember.

As I reflect on my life here at EC, I am so thankful for an environment in which I could grow. Being in a place where I am cared for and appreciated helped me to take a chance and step out of my shell. If I failed, I was encouraged to try again and again. EC also provided me a place to try new things. Never once did I think I would manage to take Chemistry Honors my junior year, or voluntarily sign up for Advanced Composition Senior year. Along with growing socially and academically, I have grown tremendously in my faith. At EC, there are people on the same faith journey as you. I am thankful for the teachers and staff who openly shared about their faith journeys and helped me grow in my faith. In the end, I wouldn’t have my education any other way.


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