Deb Ocot
High School Bible Teacher
Education: B.A. - English Education, Montclair State University
M.A. - Biblical Literature, Alliance Theological Seminary
Deborah and her husband, Nathaniel, have three grown, married children (Brielle, Taylor, and Nathaniel) who all attended EC and are serving the LORD. She is blessed with several grandchildren! Deborah has been serving Jesus Christ in the classroom for twenty years, many of them at EC. It’s her prayer that through the work of the Holy Spirit, she helps students discover who they are in Christ, she guides them to understand the importance of a Biblical worldview, and that they see that because of His love for them, God has a plan and a purpose for their lives. Outside the classroom Deborah serves in a variety of other ministries at her church and in the local community. She loves to walk, bike, hike, crochet, study Scripture, and has recently taken up pickleball. Deborah is a lifelong resident of Clifton and attends Bethany Church in Wyckoff.