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Posts in Elementary School

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EC Receives $15,000 Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Grant

Eastern Christian School has received a worship grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. The grant, worth $15,000 for the 2019-2020 school year, will allow us to develop curriculum and materials for our worship theme: "Every Tribe, Tongue, and Nation" inspired by Revelation 7: 9-10.  The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship offers a large…

The Value of Outdoor Play

You probably clicked on this post due to your curiosity about the photo headline. If you have driven down Sicomac Ave/Goffle Hill Road at in the past few weeks you most certainly have noticed this scene with vast amount of trees that have been cut down. Those woods hold many memories for the Schuurman grandchildren;…

We Love Our Volunteers!

Eastern Christian Elementary School is a special place. The teachers and staff members work tirelessly to make sure the students are safe, learning high quality curriculum, and loved. Many parents and other volunteers recognize what a special place ECES is, and have chosen to be a part of the amazing things God is doing there!…

EC 101: Safe School

Safe School At Eastern Christian School, student safety is our first job. We have a unique perspective: every student in our halls is created in the image of God. This means that every student has unique and inherent value. We work very hard to protect every student’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual safety. Spiritual Safety…

EC 4th Grade Drama Presents: Malice in the Palace!

related read: 3 Thoughts: The Book of Esther & Christian Education EC 4th grade students have several opportunities to share their gifts with the rest of the student body, as well as teachers, parents, and visitors. This year, with the leading of music teacher, Rob Flim, the students were able to share the story of…

Outragehisss Pets!

Eastern Christian Elementary School has an incredible Parent/Teacher Organization! The volunteers of the EC PTO work long and hard to make sure Preschool and Elementary School families have regular opportunities to connect with other families in the EC community. They host several special events throughout the year such as beginning and end-of-the-year picnics, movie nights,…

Fourth Grade State Fair

Eastern Christian School's fourth grader students spend a significant part of their social studies curriculum learning about the states in the United States and the different regions that make up our exceptionally diverse country. Students are each assigned the state they research for our annual family favorite: the EC State Fair. This year, the fourth…

Hop Over to Haiti

For many years, Eastern Christian Elementary School has worked school-wide project each year where students learn about a common theme at an age-appropriate level. This Project Based Learning (PBL) always culminates in a special event for the students, but every few years, the culmination is an extra special community night where parents and visitors are…

Upcoming Mommy & Me Classes

Eastern Christian is excited to offer Mommy & Me music classes! Did you know that research shows many benefits of music instruction for young children? Music learning supports many types of learning and development, including greater language development, increased IQ, fine and gross motor development, and enhanced brain development. But perhaps most importantly, our Mommy & Me music classes…

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